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By any comparison, Victorian hay-day of sail or today’s modern giants of the seas, the sailing barque, Bay of Bengal, three-masted, 260 feet long, built of ‘Government standard, best, best best iron’, to beyond Lloyd’s highest specification, was a large ship. Launched from the Fairfield Yard at Govan on the Clyde by the respected shipbuilder, […]
Posted by roystokes. Categories : Archaeology, Cahore, Coastguards, Diving, Emigrants and Famine, Harbours and Piers, History of Wexford, Indiaman, Liverpool, Local Irish History, Maritime Adventure, Maritime Mysteries, Merchants & Shipping, Norman Way, Shipwreck Treasure, Tales of Shipwreck, Underwater Heritage, Wreckers. Tags : Bay Line, Bay of Bengal, Brigid Ryan, Cahore, Charles Dunbar, Christensen, Deaking, Donaghmore, Earnest Grant, Evans, Frederick Janssen, Frederick Malcolm, Golden age of sail, Hadfield, Hansen, Harrington, Harrison, Henry Baker, INFOMAR, James Gerrard, James J Bullock, MacCaw, MacCleod, MacClymont, Message in a bottle, Milsom, Nillson, Roney, shipwreck, W.Briar, W.Caw, wexford, Wicklow, William Jones.
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- Emigrants and Famine
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- Harbours and Piers
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- Indiaman
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