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The Atlantic Gateway (Jim Phelan 1941) When ships crossed the channel between Ireland and England during WWI, they were attacked and sunk by German submarines. The loss of ships, Irish or not, with civilians, service men and women, was not only condemned by those considered to be ‘West Brits’, but anger and a sense of […]
Posted by roystokes. Categories : Archaeology, Diving, Liverpool, Local Irish History, Maritime Adventure, Maritime Mysteries, Tales of Shipwreck, U-Boat, Uncategorized, WW1. Tags : Arklow, Atlantic Approaches, Baldoyle, Barkley, Birch, Brannigan, censorship, Connaught, Conninbeg, Donnet Head, Dublin Port, Dun Laoghaire, English Channel, Eupion, Formby, German, Gregory, Guinness, Hashegan, INFOMAR, Irish Channel, Kingstown, Kish, Leinster, Leviathan, light vessel, Lohs, MacGlue, mail boat, Munster, North Channel, North Star, Provinces, Ramm, Read, RMS, submarines, torpedo, U-62, U-Boat Alley, U21, U62, UB-123, UC-75, UC75, Ulster, Vaterland, Waterford.

The repeated claims that America declared against Germany during WW1 because her citizens and ships had been attacked by German U-boats is not accurate. Though the U-boats were restrained as a result of American diplomatic protests, America did not enter the war at that time, and when they did, it was for different reasons. This […]
Posted by roystokes. Categories : Archaeology, Diving, Liverpool, Local Irish History, Maritime Adventure, Maritime Mysteries, Tales of Shipwreck, U-Boat, Uncategorized, WW1. Tags : Arklow, Barkley, Bruge, Brunsbuttel, Diamond Shoals, Drina, Drowning Command, Duncannon, Dunmore East, Flanders, Flanders Flotilla, georges channel, Glencree, Goedard, Guillemot, Guinness, Hashagen, Hundius, hydrophones, Irish Channel, Irish Sea, Kentish Knock, Kilkeel, Kynoch, Lafrenz, Leviathan, lightships, Lohs, Lusitania, Lynburn, MacGarry, MacGlue, MacGrath, morse, mystery ships, North Channel, ocean pests, Pasquay, Power, Queenstown, Read, Richter, South Arklow LV, Steinbrick, Steinbrinck, Tebbenjohanns, U-Boat Alley, U-boats, U6, U62, UB10, UB103, UB12, UB16, UB17, UB57, UB64, UC42, UC44, UC47, UC65, UC75, Vaterland, Wicklow, Wilhelm, WW1.
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