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‘Render Unto Caesar…’ The Christian Bible is clear – citizens must pay their taxes, just or unjust. Dogma is one thing, in practice, evading punitive taxes has been with us since the earliest success of both. Free-trading, free of taxes, comes in many guises today and is constantly responding to market […]
Posted by roystokes. Categories : Archaeology, Coastguards, Diving, Dun Laoghaire, Free trading, Harbours and Piers, Harbours and Piers, Local Irish History, Maritime Adventure, Maritime Mysteries, Merchants & Shipping, Rush, salvage, Shipwreck Treasure, Tales of Shipwreck, Underwater Heritage, Wicklow, Wreckers. Tags : Anthony Pluck, Arklow Bank, Aurora, Belgioioso, Belgioso, Black Dog, Black Prince, Brabazon, Brandy Hole, Bray Head, Bulloch, Castle View, Doctor Fry, Dwarf, Essex, Free-traders, Freetraders, Gary Paine, Grey stones, Habsburg, Harbour Bar, Irish Sea Smugglers, J.T.C., James Booth, John Castles and Mathew Knackler., John Connell, John Kelly, John McCabe, John Thomas Campion, Kilcoole, Killiney, Kilruddery, Kish Bank, Langrishe, Letter of Marque, Lord Meath, Loughrey, Luke Ryan, Mayflower, Michael Stanley, Murray, Nemesis, Pat Dowling, Patrick Grace, Pelter, Poolbeg, Preventative Water Guard, privateer Frienship, Ranger, Revenue cutter, Revenue men, Rush and Skerries, Sam's Coffee House, Slabbersludge, The Head, Thomas Gregory, Watch Guard, Wicklow Head, Windgates.
- Archaeology
- Arklow
- Biological Warfare
- Cahore
- Chamber of Commerce
- China
- Coastguards
- Coronavirus
- Diving
- droits of admiralty
- Dun Laoghaire
- Emigrants and Famine
- Finance and Banking
- Flu
- Free trading
- Germ Warfare
- Harbours and Piers
- Harbours and Piers
- History of Wexford
- India
- Indiaman
- Influenza
- Liverpool
- Local Irish History
- Maritime Adventure
- Maritime Mysteries
- Merchants & Shipping
- Norman Way
- Ouzel Galley
- Pandemic
- pirates
- Planning
- Politics
- privateers
- Rush
- salvage
- Shipwreck Treasure
- smugglers
- Smuggling
- Tales of Shipwreck
- Trieste
- U-Boat
- Uncategorized
- Underwater Heritage
- West Indies
- Wicklow
- Wicklow
- World War One
- Wreckers
- WW1
- WW2