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Local Wexford people know it as the, ‘Graveyard of a Thousand Ships’. There are that many lost ships there, and probably some more. The primary reason for such a large amount of unfortunate losses is quite simple – traffic. This part of Ireland represents a major crossroads for shipping, of increased importance, and more fatal […]
Posted by roystokes. Categories : Archaeology, Diving, History of Wexford, Local Irish History, Maritime Adventure, Maritime Mysteries, Norman Way, Tales of Shipwreck, Uncategorized. Tags : Adonis, Armstrong, Balaclava, Bargy, Blakely, Bray Head, captain Hunt, Captain Smith, Carn, Carnagh, Carne, Carnsore, Castletown, Ceres, Chour, City of London, Codling, Coninbeg, Cross, Doyles, Duddliston, Fintan, Forth, Fourpence, Fudge, georges channel, Giants Hill, Gogarty, Graveyard, Green, Harris, Heard, Heroine, Irish Sea, Jasper Walsh, Keary, Kilmore, Ladys Island, Lane of Stones, Lobster Pot, Major Keane, Malcolmson, Netherton, Ondine, Onidine, ouzel, Pascoe, Pellat, Pierce, Prince Consort, Quakers, Ridge, Robert Garden, Robinson, Saltees, Secret, Silly, Tacumshane, thousand ships, Tuskar, Undine, Vaughs, Vauks, Walsh, Waterford, wexford, wreck, Yola.
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